Kelley Walker, Untitled, 2008, Four color process silkscreen on canvas with Frankfurter Allgemeine, Montag 28 Januar, 2008, 213,4 cm x 512,4 cm (courtesy private collection)
Valérie Snobeck, Fold, 2013, Partially removed mirror, peeled print on plastic, door barricade brackets, 92 x 139 cm, (courtesy private collection)
Kelly Walker, Black Star Press, 2004, Digital print & silkscreened white, milk and dark chocolate on canvas, triptych, each: 91,4 x 71,1 cm (courtesy private collection)
Christopher Wool, Untitled (P70), 1988, alkyd and flash on aluminium, 244x143cm, courtesy private collection
Made in New-York
Opening Hours:
The exhibition Made in New York brings together works conceived by eight American artists Christopher Wool, John Miller, Kelley Walker, Blake Rayne, Seth Price, Cheyney Thompson, Josh Smith, Nate Lowman and Valérie Snobeck born for the most part between 1970 and 1980 and associated with the New York scene. Their work testifies of the emergence on the American East coast of a new pictorial language questioning the status of the paint and that of the picture, in a time when digital technology upsets the codes of representation.
© Hugard & Vanoverschelde, photography